Monday, March 1, 2010

Alex & Movement

Christoffer's assignment to me was to capture natural movement/motion, and to make sure nothing was posed. I took these at Tricia Smit's senior research dance recital "Truly Ripe."


  1. I feel it is never easy to do shots at dance recitals because the lighting is hard to predict. I really like the last photo because of the strength of the leg emphasized in the composition and the movement itself-so much beauty. The second and fourth one bear good intention of capturing the fluidity of the movement but can be improved in the arena of ideas (think about why you think longer exposure is pretty for such movement).

  2. Was that you who was shooting all of those pictures during the show??

    But seriously, I think your first and last images have the most successful compositions. I know it was dark, so you probably couldn't have gotten the shutter speed much faster, but I wish that these were a little bit crisper so we could see the hand positions and details which are so interesting. I actually like the blurry ones- especially the figure on the right in the 4th image.


  3. Alex, Great idea for a photo shoot! I took contemporary dance all last year. Since a lot of it is about the movements and angles of the body, I think it would be interesting for you to play with using the angles in your frame. Your second photo is my favorite. I like the blur of the one girl dancing while the other people are watching in clear view. ~Lena
