Monday, March 1, 2010

Ali Roberts: Composition, Depth of Field, and Angle (as suggested by Brittany)



  1. I really like the line the river creates in your third picture. How it cuts across from left to right, only to turn back at the edge of the picture. I also like the curved line the road creates in the second to last picture, and how it seems as though it's the same road in the mirror and underneath it (well, it is the same road, but it seems that it continues into the mirror).
    - Christoffer.

  2. I think your first two images are your strongest because of all of the lines created in them between the road, the breaks in the snow in the field, the bits of fence along the road, and the gullys along the sides of the road. The holes in the ground are really cool, too! For the last photo, I think getting a shot closer to the ground of the crack of the pavement would give it a different spin.

  3. I really like how all of your pictures are in the same setting and have similar qualities, but the way you played with angles and perspective makes them into completely different images. My favorites are the first and fourth photos - they have cool diagonals which help guide the viewer's eye across the image.

    - Brittany

  4. I agree with Brittany, I think that your images work well as a cohesive whole. I like the puddle image and your use of depth of field. nice work!

  5. I love the side miller one. It's classic, but side miller is alway cool:) Many people says they like first two, but I feel like the the horizontal line cuts the first picture in the middle and it's a little bit distracting to me. I agree with Brittany that your each photo is related to one another and I also feel you usually have certain narrativity in your photos no matter you do it on purpose or not.

