Friday, April 9, 2010

Brittany, Christoffer, and Ali's Photoshoot


  1. I love the idea of the third picture, but I wish that we could see more of his face. As it is right now, it could be read as either a guy just resting against a wall in frustration or a guy smashing through a wall. I think if the image showed some more movement (longer shutter speed) or if we could see his face then we might get more a smashing effect (if that is what you were going for!)

  2. I like the second photo. It's just a simple photo of a person and sky, but the simpleness creates the nice asthetic in that photo. The lighting is really good and it is a little bit over exposed but I really like that over exposedness.


  3. I'm not sure why, but I really love that second image, even though it's so blown out and rather difficult to see. It's so obscure, and makes you really focus on the subject since there's nothing else to distract your eye. There's also a really soft, pretty lighting around the subject that I think is interesting - Alex

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