Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zone (aka Captain Cream Cheese)

Here are two of the pictures that we took today on our trip to C-bus.  There is some pretty heavy photoshopping... some more noticeable than others.

(Meghan, Kirslyn, Brian, and Mariel)


  1. hahahaha. i did lol mariel.

  2. I really like the second one in particular. The photoshooting of the buildings along the wall is really cool because it's got a neat texture. Also, I think this font works really well. Maybe you could have cropped the right side so that you don't see that she's actually on the ground.

  3. I really like both of images. The colors work very well together and it almost looks like a real pop ad. I would say the composition of the first one is stronger I really like how the movement in photo is working very well with the text.

