Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ali, Christoffer, and Brittany


  1. I really like the first image and the repetition that is created by the coils. This is also mimicked in the direction of her hair, which goes along the curves of the pipes or whatever that is. The hair is also interesting in combination with the sunglasses, as we really don't get much expression from the subject. It could be read as someone who is shooting through these coils using flying powers or someone that is trapped in them and can't get out. This ambiguity adds to the idea of the "pathetic superhero" and I really like it!

    The second image is also very interesting compositionally and texturally.

  2. These are really really cool images. Props to you guys for thinking of getting angles and capturing that energy in these shots! The colors of these are great–even the first, which is pretty dark, because the images are really crisp so you can distinguish the differences.

  3. I love the composition of the last photo. It makes a statement without having people in it, and I think the accessories on her hand say something about superheroes having secret identities. They begin as ordinary people and then transform. ~Lena
