Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Catching Snowflakes - Alex & Brian


  1. The second shot really stands out to me for a couple reasons. I love the clarity, first and foremost, and the lines and juxtaposition created with Brian bending backward on a different angle from the building in the background--it's a great composition, too! Also, what I love about all of these photos is that there's a sort of magical feel to them with the snowflakes falling--cool way to get motion!

  2. these are all nice...but i have two favorites
    i like the first because its close up
    i like the second because its an interesting angle
    i like how you used our ridiculous amount of snow to your advantage

  3. The second and third shots got my attention right away. The sunlight in the second shot makes the contrast really good between the skin, the jacket, and the snow. The third shot looks awesome with the blurred head!

  4. I think the top two images are particularly great. I agree that the angle is awesome and adds to the playful quality which fits well with the idea of trying to catch snowflakes. The first image has a shallow depth of field which I looove.


  5. Your composition in the first two photos is strong. I like how the second photo is a bit disorienting with the angle of the building and the way Brian's body is tilted.
